
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. For additional information, contact the 学术 department, speak with 咨询 或者参考电流 课程安排和学院目录.

POSC 1 -介绍美国政府    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to the historical development and current 结构 of American 政治 ideals and 机构, 包括联邦宪法和加州宪法, 公民自由和公民权利, 政党, 竞选和选举, 以及公民义务.

  1. Develop a basic understanding of the American Political system-it's origins, 结构 and 机构-to enable students to be active and informed citizens.
  2. Strengthen students' ability to take and persuasively support a 政治 position with evidence/argumentation.
  3. 了解起源, 结构, and 机构 of American Political system and the value of this knowledge in sustaining American democracy.

POSC 12 -介绍加州和地方政府    ( 3.00 -单位)
Organization and operation of government and politics at the 状态, county and municipal level; emphasis on current issues and the influences of historical, 地理, 政治, 加州公共政策的经济和社会因素.

  1. 直接民主的定义, 解释它在加州的历史发展, 并分析其优点和缺点.
  2. Identify, discuss, and analyze contemporary policy issues facing California and local governments.
  3. 描述加州州政府的结构, 解释政府各部门的职责, 并将其结构与联邦政府进行比较.

POSC 15 -公共政策导论    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to key themes in American 公共政策 at a national, 状态, and local level. The roles of 机构 and stakeholders are discussed in the context of 理论 of 公共政策 and public administration. Students are introduced to tools used to evaluate and analyze public issue areas and the public policies created to address them.

  1. 描述公共政策概念,如议程设置, 政策制定过程的结构和评估, 政策伦理, 政策预算.
  2. Effectively analyze one or more public policies in written and/or oral form.
  3. Heightened sense of civic responsibility and desire to apply knowledge and skills learned in local, 状态, 或者国家背景.

POSC 20 -比较政治学    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍比较分析的基本概念和方法. Covers contemporary forms of governments and 机构; survey of 政治 regimes 以及某些政府的政治问题.

  1. Student will be able to analyze the relationship between the historical and cultural value systems upon which national governments are based, 政府类型, 结构, 和政策.
  2. Student will be able to compare and contrast different governmental systems, 国家机构, 以及某些政府的政治问题.
  3. Student will be able to define “government” and describe the 结构, 机构, and major policy challenges of at least five countries (other than the United States) spanning at least three continents.

POSC 25 -政治理论导论    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍政治的各种理论方法, including selected 政治 thinkers from ancient times to the present, and the application of 政治 theory to current 政治 realities.

  1. Ability to summarize, compare and analyze a variety of primary source 政治 philosophical texts.
  2. Ability to apply abstract 政治 theoretical concepts to concrete social issues.
  3. Distinguish between various forms of 政治 organizations (governmental 结构s)

POSC 30 -国际关系    ( 3.00 -单位)
国际政治概论, 理论, 以及全球机构, focusing on international actors and their interactions with one another. 强调时事.

  1. 展示对国际体系的基本理解:行动者, 机构, 演员互动和关系的本质.
  2. 应用 international relations, theoretical concepts to real world situations.
  3. Able to express ideas and opinions about international relations orally.

POSC 35 - Politics of Race and Gender: History, 治理, and Public Policy    ( 3.00 -单位)
An overview of the historical and contemporary 政治 issues and concerns affecting the status and power of groups that have traditionally been 政治ly and socially disadvantaged in the United States. 这些组包括, 但不限于, 非裔美国人, 亚裔美国人, 印第安人, Latinx, 同性恋, 和女人. The 政治 histories of each group from their arrival in the territory today known as the United States through modern times will be discussed. Students will analyze how group identity impacts the processes of democratic governance. 公共政策问题(一.e. 教育, 健康, criminal justice) will be considered in light of their impact upon marginalized groups.

  1. discuss one or more important events in the 政治 history of African Americans, 亚裔美国人, 印第安人, Latinx美国人, 美国妇女, 同性恋美国人;
  2. discuss the importance of 政治 representation and 政治 participation of marginalized groups on the outcomes of the American 政治 process;
  3. effectively analyze how one or more public policies disproportionately affects women, 有色人种, lgbt美国人;
  4. accurately explain intersectionality and effectively examine the impacts of intersectional identities in American politics today.

政治科学实习    ( 1.00 -单位)
The 政治科学 Internship course provides an opportunity for students to receive 学术 credit for participating in the 政治科学 Internship program. Units earned are based on hours worked in the internship during the semester. 请联系政治学教员报名.

  1. 应用 学术 knowledge in successfully executing the duties and responsibilities of an internship in 政治科学, 公共政策, 或者政治宣传.
  2. 表现出对职业机会的理解, 工作要求, 雇主的期望, and modes of career advancement in the fields of 政治科学, 公共政策, 或者政治宣传.
  3. Self-identify areas where they need to hone their discipline-specific knowledge or professional acumen in order to succeed in a career in 政治科学, 公共政策, 或者政治宣传.
  4. 自我认同自己的个人, 学术, 以及政治学工作的专业优势, 公共政策, 或者政治宣传, and demonstrate the ability to articulate them in a professional portfolio or final project.